Working with a panasonic manifacturer, they charge batteries, we make them sparkle

Working with a panasonic manifacturer, they charge batteries, we make them sparkle

Recently, we at Nocti Photography had the chance to put on our photographer hats and spend the day at the ”spa”.

Well, we were certainly at the spa but we were not there to relax… Although, after seeing these facilities we might book in soon!

Instead, we were there to make and create a brand-new set of factory images for our client, a well-known battery business in Dongguan, Guangdong. Our client needed high-quality images that showed their facilities in the best possible light.

These photographs were to be shared on their social media channels and their website to put their business back in the public eyes after the pandemic. Tasked with this, we knew that the images had to be spectacular. They had a key job to do, showcase how great this place is and attract new clients to a trust-worthy business.

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