Molds are not easy to photograph, but we got it coverd

Molds are not easy to photograph, but we got it coverd

Our new cleint, OnGroup, held high expectation when they came seeking us in Shenzhen, Longhua. They are an international molding company that has branches in China, France and Russia. Certainly, for a business like this, the best photography service is in order.

To make the pictures stand out from other industrial photos, our photographer needs to know what to capture and how to strike the right balance between the diverse kinds of machinery he shoots. Miniature details of technical hardware, electronic parts, and miniscule machine parts always complement the otherwise bulky machines and messy surroundings that generally flood a normal portfolio of industrial photos. For this reason, the photographer need to be well versed with the art of shooting closeups and macro photos. To achieve this, we  also need to carry along macro lenses, macro accessories, and other prerequisite equipment such as ring flashes in our kit.

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