Packaged love and surprises, we deliver them with you

Packaged love and surprises, we deliver them with you

One of the perks of being an industrial photographer is the variety of people, places and things that you are exposed to that you otherwise wouldn’t be. Industrial photography often puts me behind the scenes of large operations, in places most people never have a chance to see. I’m constantly learning how various businesses operate, whether it’s a factory that produces molds for various parts of a car, a led company in Shenzhen, a factory that put together vapes, or in this case, how the product is packaged and distributed to your everyday environment.
Last month I worked with a creative agency inDonguan who’s client is one of the largest phone brands in the country. The goal was to get commercial industrial photographs that show everything from the gritty warehouse operations to delicious looking packages of products, and to environmental portraits of the people behind the scenes. Basically, who they are, what they do, and what they have the capabilities of doing.

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