
August 27, 2021

The curves need to be appreciated, and so do you

The curves need to be appreciated, and so do you August 27, 2021 Industrial and manufacturing photography is a niche I stumbled into years...

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August 26, 2021

Working with a panasonic manifacturer, they charge batteries, we make them sparkle

Youtek,working with a panasonic manifacturer, they charge batteries, we make them sparkle August 26, 2021 Recently, we at Nocti Photography had the chance to...

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August 25, 2021

Product shooting

XY product shooting August 25, 2021 Shooting products in the studio is challenging, which is one of the things that I enjoy. You have...

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August 22, 2021

The client gave us a surprise, good thing we come prepared with all the equipment they would need

XY,the client gave us a surprise, good thing we come prepared with all the equipment they would need March 15, 2019 The client today...

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March 9, 2021

Stage light

Hollywood Mirror March 9, 2021 We are often called upon to complete an industrial photoshoot with shining objects, sometimes, lights. We shot the factory...

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March 8, 2021

Old project

Old project March 8, 2019 Recently, I was going through some of my photos with a creative director who was curious about which photos...

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