The client gave us a surprise, good thing we come prepared with all the equipment they would need

The client gave us a surprise, good thing we come prepared with all the equipment they would need

The client today had multiple locations to shoot within one day and our team was up to the challenge. We just needed to get everyone and everything there first.

When we got to the facility, we found it spotless and perfectly cleaned and ready for the photoshoot. All the small details had been taken care of so our team could work swiftly.

We were armed with Canon 24-70mm, 16-35mm, and other professional industrial tilt/shift lenses, one photographer, one assistants, and all the tech stuff we needed to shoot connected.

We often tether our camera to computers during a shoot like this because it allows us to see all the small details on a screen immediately, and then fix them straight away if we see something we don’t quite like or isn’t working for us.

The facility as a whole was brand new and so we toured and shot photographs of the office, workshop, 3D printers, robotic arms, and so many cutting-edge technology.

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